Monday, November 1, 2010

Oh how time fly's!

I made a resolution almost 10 months ago to blog more. Well I didn't I have been to busy living, making memories, and watching my girls grow up into BEAUTIFUL women. I am over the guilt now :) and will try to be a better "Blogger".
Torrie became a Hurricane High School Cheerleader last May, it was one of the best days watching her try out. Watching her go through her Senior year this year has been so much fun, and a little heartbreaking at the same time. She continues to amaze me at the wonderful young women she is.

Kyndall is a Freshman and continues to grow taller and taller, she has passed Torrie by several inches. She just finished up her freshman volleyball season, and is such a hard worker in school.

Brad is in the thick of football season with a quarter final football game this Friday, he continues to ride and completed his 4th Century ride last May.

I have had a great year watching my family thrive, my work keeps me going and on my toes I am grateful for having a wonderful "work family" in these trying times it has been a great wake up call for all those small business's out there. I have had one of my most active running years completing 3 10k's, 1 half marathon, and a 188 mile Ragnar Relay, and miles and miles of training runs. I hope someday to add a full marathon to my list. I have enjoyed the many friends and friendships I have gained while running.


jaredandgina said...

Wow you guys are busy! I can't believe how old the girls are and they are so pretty! Good job running!!

Erin said...

The pictures of your girls are cute. I would not feel bad about blogging when you are getting to have fun with your family. I try and keep pics updated of the baby for my family but I am not as good as I should be but when you are busy its hard to find the time. Oh and great with all the running. That is awesome!