Our next adventure will be Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay, I am SO excited and so is Brad (lol not really but he is being a good sport). When I announced to him he would be joining me on a 12 man relay team to run 200 miles (his legs are about 20 miles of that) just 6 weeks after Ironman and knowing that running is his least favorite I knew this might not go over well, he actually agreed. Its probably the only athletic event we will do together because he is way to fast for me to run with. I am excited to have my husband experience this with me this will be my third Ragnar.
Its like a 24 or in our case probably 30 hour party, sleep exhaustion sets in, the smell in the van starts to change, every muscle in your body hurts and your not sure how youll be able to run your third leg on no sleep and not much food but its pure adrenaline that gets you through. And the thought that your team of 12 runners just ran up and over some of the toughest, yet beautiful mountain ranges from Logan to Park City is amazing, its not for time it is to say "I DID IT!" Well and its for the car sticker, and temporary tattoos!
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