With the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay in the books, I look back at the pro’s and con’s and why I would or would not do another relay.
6 people , most the time friends, family and sometimes new acquaintances, start out on a journey to cover 197 miles (with the help of 6 other runners in a second van , most the time people I don’t even know). An early wake up call, which is not an unknown to most runners who train for long distances, becomes the start of the adventure that will last at the least 24 hours more realistically 34.
I loved the dynamic we had this year, Myself and Brad, I was so excited to participate in an event with him that I have done several times and have tried to explain to him what it’s all about , but really it’s one of those you have to be there kinda events.
Melanie, my dear friend who I find more and more we like and dislike the same things and we LOVE to push ourselves, sometimes to our detriment.
Morris my long time Boss/Friend Mentor I have not ran with him but he had taken it up recently and was eager to join, and I think he knew what he was getting himself into because he has been around me and Mel when we get a little crazy! But knowing Brad was going to be along made him feel better.
Then Alyssa and Lacie , Melanies gorgeous daughters, beautiful, good runners, cute little runner legs that look great in little running shorts, GET THE POINT , they are HOT!
We had a pretty uneventful day each runner had a good run for our first legs, we were ready for some food, Jimmy Johns hit that spot, and to clean up and get back on deck for our second legs.
We met back up with Van 2 at Snowbasin Resort and started our journey when they handed off to Brad who took off up a ski lift hill for about 1 and a half miles the out to a highway Trappers Loop running 8 very downhill miles in the heat.
I ended my 2nd run into Morgan High School tired and hungry to be greeted by a bag of Arbys regular roastbeef sandwiches………STOP THE CAR……… really? I see this food 5 days a week, smell it, cook it, serve it, minimally eat it, (NOT because it’s not a GREAT product) but 15 years later it doesn’t really do it for me all the time, especially after having run 9 miles that day and been up since 4 am. Tired, sweaty and well….. Alright, you better have brought arbys sauce with that! Insert regular into mouth.
We were tired it was late and van 2 had taken on the running duties for now, we figured we might have about 4-6 max hours to get sleep and food if needed, the others were still devouring the regular roast beefs as if they were steak dinners, we were lost and decided by the time we took to find a relative’s house who had a beautiful large and long comfy couch for us to crash on we would maybe get 30 minutes of sleep, So somehow without any communication from anyone other than “I have to pee NOW!” we pulled over on the side of the road went out behind some structure to pee then got back in the van it was like a game where ever you are sitting simply lay your head to the left or to the right and go to sleep, and we did! I would arise to consciousness once in a while taking a deep breath and realizing that I probably should do that again the stagnant air in the van was a culmination of everyone efforts that day and was starting to ripen.
We arouse at the sound of a text from Van 2 saying there were getting close, we had slept like that in the van for about 2.5 hours was my estimate as I awoke I was overcome with emotions and wanted to cry at the thought of getting out of the van (we are all starting to have the sore muscles set in at this point) having to run yet again in the same clothes we had had on since yesterday afternoon. The silence in the van told me loud and clear the others felt the same way, it was the first time I personally asked myself “Why the hell do you do these things!?”
We sent brad off on his last leg , knowing his calf’s had given him much grief on previous runs but knowing this one was flat hopping they would hold out, he came around the corner obviously in pain yet still running, he said he felt his calf muscle snap … great! Weve pushed the Ironman to far and injured him.
We each completed our last legs, and searched for some fine dining in Heber Utah, we found it at “the Hub” they had me with the big sign out front that read “Breakfast served all day” (it was almost 2pm) they had Morris at the fact it was attached to a gas station LOL, just kidding I think he had a therapeutic breakthrough at that moment (and the fact he was outvoted) as he threw caution to the wind and walked into the little greasy diner.
So pro’s and con’s aside I think the relay thing is like having a child you seem to forget all the pain, discomfort and always seem to think it sounds like a great idea give or take 10 months later. I will cherish the memories I have created and been a part of and will I do it again?…… ask me in about 9 months, dont ask Brad though I cant use the child bearing analogy with him hahah.
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