I had this run in my sites for months, who wouldn't want to run in this beautiful country?
The Drop 13 Half Marathon was down Big Cottonwood Canyon, this was the first year for this event which can make a runner nervous. It did not disappoint! They were offering 3 different medals, one for finishing, one if you took 13 minutes or more off your best half marathon time, and one if you lost 13 pounds from signing up to race day. All I had to do was tell Melanie there was a chance for more than one medal (I promised 2 because she would disappear if she lost 13 pounds) and she was in hook line and sinker! well and promise her pancakes afterwards.
Her enthusiasm started with the 4 am alarm, as she stumbled to the bathroom in the hotel room mumbling something about me not being her friend, I laughed out loud and said she would thank me later. (little did I know I would deliver on that promise)
We enjoyed this adventure with my our friend Alicia who I have the pleasure of running with in St George, it is SO nice to have a running buddy. This was to be her second half marathon.
This is my "Its cold, dark and early. What are we doing face"
On the bus ride up we made a new friend with the girl pacing 2:10, she was adorable we asked a ton of questions, she gave us advice, and wished us good luck. I never talk about my race times or paces, but I knew that I wouldn't be seeing any of her, my pr half had been Cedar City last Sept at 2:27 and I was starting to believe I am just not capable of doing much better.
The porta potties were small in number, but so was this race capped at only 500 runners. I am starting to think my theory of catching the later buses up these canyons so that you aren't sitting out in the cold longer than necessary is the wrong way to go. Catch the early buses so that you can get a good spot in line at a porta potty! I literally entered the potty with 2 minutes until the race was to start. Whew that was to close, but things worked out (haha) and we found our spots between the 2:10 and 2:20 pacers.
I knew right away sticking close to the 2:10 pacer was not going to happen for me, although oddly enough the 2:20 pacer was only about 200 yards back, ya go figure that one? I stayed in between the two and let myself just enjoy the first few miles to see how I felt, fully expecting to end up being pushed by the 2:30 pacer. This was an extremely downhill course at times, I believe now that this is not always to your advantage and can hurt just as bad as a hill, if fact I was praying for a small hill to take the pressure of the quads that were on fire.

This little switch back came at about mile 7. By mile 8 I knew I had hit some pretty good time goals and I was feeling really good I couldn't see the 2:10 pacer but looking back couldn't see the 2:20 either. I decided by mile 9 it was time to give it all I had. I felt like I was on auto pilot I kept looking at my watch and knew if I kept it at a 10 mpm pace or under I would definitely PR. I was doing better than that averaging about a 9:45-50 That's insane for me!! especially because by this point the course had flattened out. A few thoughts ran through my head:
*Phazes Boot Camp is paying off! especially the speed work I complain about
*Why do I tell myself I will never be better than a 2:30 half marathoner
*This feels Good
*This hurts!
*I felt like a real runner for the first time (crazy I know)
*I can do Hard Things
As we winded through some trails and took a slight uphill road I glanced up and saw the 2:20 pacers about 200 yards ahead of me, Dangit! When did they pass me. I almost let it take the wind out of my sail, but didn't and pushed on finishing with the clock reading
2:17:31!!!!! I did it, I really did it :)
I think all 3 of us did things we didn't think we could do that day. I have had years of my inner voice telling myself all the reason's why I shouldn't run, why I don't fit in, your to slow, the fact I probably only did well cause it was downhill, I am tired of telling my own self that "I cant." I am adamant about teaching my girls they can do anything, and its time I live up to those teachings. I pushed those thoughts out and took it all in, what I accomplished, it was mine, that day I did that! No one else's legs carried me 13.1 miles in 2:17:31.
PS: Ya, now you know which pacer was off the whole time , NOT the 2:10 girl lol.
To top off the amazing day Melanie took 3rd place in her age division, and Alicia took an insane amount of time off her first race. I had a 16 minute improvement from Ogden only 4 weeks earlier.
This was definitely a race I would do again, well organized, perfect time of the year.
I looked at Melanie as she received 3 medals! (finishing, pr'ing 13 minutes, and taking 3rd place) and said "Uh YA want to Thank me now!?" She laughed and said I was still her friend, we then went to have pancakes as our promised reward.
The best pancakes EVER are at the Black Bear Diner.
~~ This is Living!