Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ogden Half Marathon

We Gardner's like to see how many things we can squeeze in one month and May seems to be the big one every year.

I did the Ogden Half Marathon this year and it did not disappoint. However the weather did, it started to rain the night before and I went into a panic. I have never intentionally ran in the rain and I believed if I prayed hard enough I could will it away.........Uh ya.....NO I didn't.

This was a run I will never forget, it taught me so many things. For those that run you know that a run can be the best therapy session ever, and boy did I get my money's worth. On any run longer than an hour I am amazed at the emotional roller coaster your mind can take, I was in awe of the beauty one minute and in desperation the next to just crawl under a tree away from the constant rain drops that felt like Chinese water torture to me, ok a little dramatic but you get the point. I was bummed I didn't get any pictures but "Only in Ogden" did and I am sharing (photo credit to them)

YES that's me in the trash bag :)

This was one of the prettiest race courses, and as much as I hated being wet the rain and clouds made the views amazing.
My amazing and inspiring race buddy, I have loved all of our adventures.
What I learned-
I can do hard things
My mind is a powerful thing
Being wet is not the end of the world
Stop... and take it all in
Having soaked feet and socks wasn't the end of the world
There is only one way through things
I am stronger than I think
Keep running!

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