Friday, September 26, 2008

Jaydenn is a big sister!

Joseph Trason Gardner was born on Sept. 19th
I am so excited for Ryann and Jaydenn to have a great addition and finally we are getting some boys in this family! The second picture was just about 10 minutes after he was born, I think he is just adorable with his little round face. Shereen sent me a text saying that we had a baby coming that night I told her to tell Ryann to PUSH!! about 20 minutes later my phone rings and its Ryann, I answered it and she said "he's here!" Wow she must have really pushed becuase that was fast. The first picture is of him today snoozing away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His cheeks are HUGE! That's so exciting. Your guys' family is getting so big.