An impasta…
So I have been thinking about this a lot lately, I have been running, trying to be a runner for almost 7 years now. I have countless 5k’s about 12 10k’s 2 half marathon’s one full marathon and 3 relays under my belt in this time. Let me state some other facts, I AM NOT fast, I do take walk breaks, I am not having the time of my life about 40% of the time I am running, I have very serious conversations with myself like “Why are you doing this?”
But for some reason when I am done I ALWAYS am grateful I went and feel like a runner I love what it does for me physically and it truly is my Prozac.
I see “real” runners as I call them, and wish for talent, Brad is a natural athlete he can just run and run yet he dislikes it, it’s just not fair I have the desire he has the talent!
Another point of interest/frustration of why I feel like this. I live in the mecca of ultra athletes, triathletes, cyclits, Fast runners! If I could keep up I would have endless groups and venues to enjoy the social part of training, yet I have just a couple of training parnters that I feel comfortable with based on our paces. ps always recruiting!
Let me just clarify I am ok with being "that slow girl" as the saying goes "No matter how slow you go you are still lapping everybody on the couch" .......ok maybe that's a lie I have resigned myself to that, I will always hope for more "natural talent"
So because I cannot maintain anything under a 10 to 11 minute mile, because I often have to take a walk break can I really say I am a runner? Am I a jogger? Or am I an imposter?
1 comment:
I feel the same way! I am a slow runner but I pretty much dislike it 90% of the time! I am 10-11 minute miler as well. To get the blog list, go to design, then add a gadget then blog list.
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