Sunday, September 16, 2012

Cedar City Half Marathon

It was a beautiful, what I call, pre Fall day. The air is definitely cooler in the morning, and up Cedar Canyon it was actually cold, but the leaves are not changing yet. I have eyed this race for a couple of years as its close to home, its down a canyon, its in cooler weather, and it did not dissapoint. I have driven up and down Cedar Canyon a hundred times never paying attention to the roads from a runners eye, so as we headed up in the bus I knew right then I was probably not going to be taking to many stairs the few days after this was over. This went on for probably 8 straight miles with maybe only one little incline in the middle to tease you.

I have REALLY wanted to do more than my typical "One" big race a year, I have always wanted to do several Half Marathons close together. Its been a struggle for me to believe I can do this.

I CAN do hard things.

I did alot of the training alone and was prepared to drive up and do this race alone becuase I simply wanted it that bad and I have learned when I make a goal I need to (for me) do everything I can to achieve that goal or I end up upset with myself. Luckily I got a text from a friend that found out I was signed up and invited me to ride up together! YES! It made the experience that much funner.

I would totally recommend this race to anyone.

~ Very organized

~ Cool shirt and medal

~ An easy course to PR on

~ Great volunteers along the entire course

~ Post race fruit and granola bars were nice

So now I ask myself......"Whats Next?"

1 comment:

susette said...

What's Next?? How far are you willing to travel? There are still quite a bit of half marathons going on up here. You should come run the Haunted Half on Oct 20th in Salt Lake. Looks fun! Or if you ever come North and want to run on the trails it's a blast. I would love to take you.

I'm glad you had a good run down Cedar. I may have to put that one in the books for next year.