Thursday, September 13, 2012

I did it... Alone!

I seem to have a problem with running buddies, I can’t keep them. They move, they get pregnant they are too fast for me! I find most of the time I am going solo, which is fine, I find it my therapy time my “me” time. But for long Saturday runs I really look forward to different fun runs, not the normal route. I enjoy taking the time to map a route, planning to meet up with people and where we will drop waters etc. The past few Saturdays I have been on my own, I knew I needed to do at least 11 miles and dreaded the “neighborhood run” feeling like I needed to get out and go somewhere. It’s Friday night and I am still hoping the only few Saturday running buddies I do have would call me, but nothing. I knew what this meant so I got all my gear ready and set my alarm for 4:30 am.

I am a cautious person, I would never venture on a running trail or up in the mountains alone. I stick to what is familiar so as I was driving my car up to Zion’s Park in the dark, alone, I thought I had lost my mind. I caught the 5:40 shuttle at Majestic View Lodge which took me to the visitors center where I walked (again alone and pitch black) to the connecting shuttle. I sat and waited as many other people started to come out of the dark windy trails and wait, all of them were getting an early start on many of the longer hikes in the canyon. It took 30 minutes to ride the shuttle to the top of the Canyon to the Temple of Sinawava trail head, my plan was to run on the park road back out which I have done several times (with others) there are shuttles that start to run so you’re not completely alone and in just about 4 short miles you reach the lodge with water and bathrooms, and people. It had always been light by the time we started, not this time. I got off the shuttle and all the people with me scattered off to the Narrows trail head and were gone, I found myself sitting at the shuttle stop ALONE. It was still pitch black. Did I mention I am a cautious person? This was good for me I decided to wait about 15 minutes for a few reasons, I knew the sun would be coming up, I knew the next shuttle would be going in about 30 minutes, I was enjoying the shear silence, and the main reason of my uncomfortable’ness was ANIMALS!

I have only ever seen deer, wild turkeys, and a fox on my runs in there but again I was with someone, and the second reason, on the ride up the guide was talking about what animals inhabited the park and I do believe he used the word MOUNTAIN LION. I again question why in the world I was doing this.

I thoroughly entertained myself with trying to take my picture, I see so many cute ones people take out on adventures and well I need a lesson.

In all honesty this was such a good thing for me, I sat with my uneasiness, I sat with the anxiety, and I just sat with MYSELF.

I was just entertaining myself and before I knew it the light had come up and 30 minutes had passed!

Yep I got up at 4:30 and started to run 2 and 1/2 hours later! so far though my "Alone" journey was going awesome.

I heard a shuttle roaring in the distance and decided I would head out, at least if a lion got me at this point the shuttle wouldn’t be too far to find me. The run didn’t disappoint, there are always spectacular views the morning light is amazing, the river as it flows down canyon. I didn’t turn my music on for miles I just listened to nature (and yes for a lion) this is what I saw.

I made it to the 6 mile point where you get on a bike trail at this point the sun is just beaming off the cliffs and you are zig zagging back and forth over the river on these awesome bridges, I always love this part even if I am getting tired there is just so much to look at. You wind your way through a few camp grounds, smelling the morning fires and bacon! The smell hit my stomach and didnt do good things I ran around trying to find the camp ground bathroom (yes this happens on runs lol.) I was a little made at this point I was 10 minutes now off my time I needed to be. I walked a bit and reminded myself to relax and just enjoy. From the visitors center back to my car was 3 miles as you run through the town of Sprindgale. I saw this street sign and smiled becuase I have a new niece named Evie.

And at last a trip to the gas station afterwards for a reward!

I really enjoyed my little adventure, I was so proud of myself! I had a plan and stuck to it even when I was a little uncomfortable. I need to learn to do this more in life. I think this is what running has done for me, I am learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable and that is not always a bad thing. This is how we grow, how we push oursevles hard at the end of a long run when it hurts, how we maybe learn to say NO to someone realizing we cant do it all. As I ran today I told myself,

"This is living"

1 comment:

susette said...

AHHHH!!!! I loved reading this post! How come I thought you lived up North??? Maybe because we were up North when we met? That is so crazy to me that you live in Southern Utah. I actually have relatives in Hurricane and LaVerkin. If I ever come down for a visit I'll have to have you take me out on a run. I'm sure Fast Cory would even want to come to. I think that is so awesome you can run in Zion's. HOW GORGEOUS!! I occasionally head up to the trails in Draper by myself and feel a little nervous. I calm down just a little when I see other runners or bikers up there too. I keep thinking I need to get me some pepper spray, and I will eventually. Ummmm.....yes I slightly giggled a little bit on your self photos. Not sure what to tell you other than keep practicing?? Happy Running and thanks for visiting my blog:)