Monday, September 17, 2012


At work this week we presented a "Goal Setting" session during a meeting. Everyone was asked to write down as many goals on a piece of paper they could think of, kinda like a Bucket List. We then worked on dream boards, using magazines to cut out pictures or words to represent what we want to achieve within our goals. This sure had me thinking and I had a hard time getting past the standard: Lose weight, go on a cruise, run another marathon.

They said to

What does that mean?

Go to Italy, buy an Island in the Bahama's, travel the world in one year, visit an Ashram in India for a month. Is this what this means kinda like the saying "Go Big or Go Home". I quickly realized I can set or make high goals then execute the heck outa them, then totally rock my expectations in regards to work! But I fall extremely flat in my personal life.

Why is this? I am afraid of failure? of embarrassment? I often feel like once I put it out there, there is no turning back, so I simply dont put anything out there. We have all said these things to ourselves I am not skinny enough to.... I am afraid of hieghts..... what if they dont like me..... what if I CANT...... I could never do that...... shes just got it all together...... I am not organized enough........

Simply put I am playing it safe in my life. The presenter encouraged us to take some time each month to sit by ourselves, with ourselves, and really think about things we want to accomplish. It is important to write them down along with a plan of how you will achieve it, or by what date.

So think about this, what do you want to do, REALLY WANT TO DO?

Life is to short, tragedy can happen so fast.

Lets Dream Big, and Play Hard! Dare to dream crazy goals and then put them into action.

I promise when I figure mine out I will share them with you. And please feel free to share your's with me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, I feel like I was part of the meeting now. I want to make one of those collages. Maybe we can work on that in Vegas. We can talk about some of the things that we want to accomplish. I have accomplished so much more physically in my life because you inspired me...thanks!