Monday, August 27, 2012

TOU Half Marathon

I have always wanted to do another half marathon but I am a “Been there Done That” kinda gal, and having done Bryce Canyon twice I was ready for a different course although I loved that one! I set my sights on TOU (Top of Utah) Half, and yes it is at the very top of Utah, me living at the BOU (Bottom of Utah) this was a long way to travel for a race. After the logistics of the husband getting me to Murray to meet up with Melanie, then back to Provo to meet up with the football team, getting my daughter on her way with the volleyball team to West Jordan, and my other daughter dropped off at the grandparents house, I was already tired. Melanie and I stopped in Layton at Boston’s for some carb loading from our man Morris.

We then made our way to Logan to pick up our packets when I saw this I knew this was going to be a great race.

I mean really colored coordinated porta potties this in my book was a good sign. We made our way around the park and found the half off rack of great running clothes you can never have to many running clothes.

I could have gone home right then and been satisfied, but the lack of a finishers medal was a problem. We met up with some friends had some more food and a lot of laughs, can I just say I love runners I have met some of the best people through running, finally making our way to a bed about 9:30 and an alarm set for 4:30.

On the bus ride up the canyon I turned to Melanie and said "This is living!" she laughed at me but I was serious. It was early, dark and cold and we had both just questioned why do we do these things. I could write a entire post on the why's. As we made our way down the canyon on foot and the muscles started to hurt and the sweat began to fall and I wondered if I could really go the whole way I listened to my labored breathing and thought "Yep , this is living". I didnt wear my garmin and loved how I was not a slave to it, I ran and just enjoyed it didnt worry about my pace or what mile I was on. A huge shout out to the lady by the Maverik that yelled to me "You can do it, less than 3 miles left", I thought I had over 4 miles left and felt the gas running out as I thought my target time was out the window I looked at my watch and realized I was right on track and picked up the pace. I was within my time goal and shaved off 3 minutes from my last Half.

The course was beautiful, I felt like I could tell I was a BOU girl running at the TOU and the altitude affected my breathing. I had a stubborn side ache at mile 2 that hung around the whole time I think becuase I was breathing so hard. The aid stations were amazing and the orange slices hit the spot. I loved having the crowds to cheer us on, most races I have done are pretty lacking in crowds. We spotted a blogger we have followed for a while at the starting line, Susette she was great and didnt seem nervous that we (strangers) were so excited to see her and asked for a picture with her. Her Blog

I was a little sad at the finish line that they only had water and gatorade and would have paid dearly for some chocolate milk, but the Fat Boy ice cream sandwich made up for it, well almost. I would do this race again but I am also excited to shake it up and try some other ones. Next up Cedar City Half on Sept 15th, a little closer to home.

1 comment:

Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

I am glad to have finally found your blog! I read Susettes recap and she had a picture of you guys together and a link to your blog. It sounds like TOU is a great half and now I need to run that one. It is tempting to want to run the Cedar half as well....keep up the awesome running and lets run together soon!