Thursday, November 1, 2012

Back in the day.....Fast Forward to 2012

This entry is going to seriously date me, although I won’t be pulling out the old saying “when I was young we had to walk 5 miles uphill both ways in the snow to school!”

I will say

“When I was young and a boy wanted to talk to you he had to have the nerve to dial your phone number say hello to a parent that might answer and ask to speak to you”

The more I watch my girls grow up and how cell phones have literally changed the way these young kids have relationships with boys and with girlfriends it just makes me sad. They will text things they wouldn’t dream of saying face to face. All of a sudden there is constant communication with someone and we don’t know them. I consider myself on the social media bandwagon I have a twitter, instagram and check facebook WAY too much, I am also friends and follow my girls in these areas as well but I am not so naive as to realize there is direct and private messaging.

How do we protect these kids? Do we ban these things? Make them share their passwords?

Kyndall turned 16 in August and has been on 1 date that actually asked her out and came to house to pick her up, yet has at least a handful of boys who will text her a lot! What happened to asking a girl out and then driving to her house and knocking on the door? Is it just too easy for these young guys now a’ days?

(I only have the daughter perspective so feel free to chime in on the boy’s side)

Are the girls making it harder on the boys?

Relationships are being built and even ending over these outlets! And ones that should be burried cant becuase there is still a flood of, what seems to them, innocent communication through texting. Its NOT! I call it chatter and you cant find peace, sort through emotions or feel the spirit when you are being flooded with this CHATTER.

I had this very conversation with a friend who has a daughter the same age on the long drive to Salt Lake last week. The girls were asked to leave the cell phones at home for the weekend during their sports tournament. It was so refreshing to see them after a while relax and really enjoy the company of the friends they were with instead of texting those that werent there.

What different challenges our kids face in this day. I hope that we as parents can help manage this, using social media as a positive source teaching that communication, the old fashion face to face kind, is not to be replaced through texting, tweeting, or PM'ing. I want my girls to know they are worth more than that.

Ok so there is my rant. I would love to hear any of your thoughts (for those 2-4 people who might read my blog) Any and all perspectives appreciated and welcome.

1 comment:

Carol Hennessy said...

You said it beautifully. Parents have a new whole realm of things to fear. And fear they should. But, keep up the talking to your kids and knowing who they communicate with. You have done and continue to do a very good job as parents.